More engagement, more likes, more referrals. 3 simple steps to improve your school's standing.

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Imagine having less complaints and more positive parent feedback about the teaching and learning in your school.

Proplr is like having your own dedicated marketing team looking after the reputation of your school and improving relationships and engagement with parents.

Making communication more two-way

Research shows that parents mostly see communication from schools as ‘one-way’.

We start by reviewing all of your social communication using AI and setting up Facebook Groups to better engage with parents regularly to support learning from home. Parents don’t need new apps (they have 29 already!). They just need school communications to use what’s already available.

Engage with parents on their terms

Parents use social media for over 2 hours per day combined, and over 80% of Mums already use Facebook. We show you how to make supporting home learning part of their daily social diet.

This is a far better way to engage parents than trying to get them to use something new.

Parents will love school again!  

Engaging with parents really matters. Our smart AI tools know when to send posts and how best to write them to ensure maximum participation and engagement.

Parents will value the new two-way support they are receiving and share their experiences positively with other parents and friends.

Best of all, we evidence our impact

Our unique Teacher-in-the-Loop® dashboards allow school leaders and class teachers access to reports which show the participation levels of parents, and whether their sentiments are positive or negative.

We also make recommendations on where things might be improved.

We provide a Parental Partnership Framework from which you can evidence progress and build your plan into the wider school SPI.

Here’s How To Get Started

Most schools launch in about 2-3 weeks

Watch our How it Works video