Our model is based on a few factors.
Here’s how it works.

Schools can choose one of three Programmes.

Proplr charges a minimum flat fee via a subscription model. If you choose Combi then you will enjoy a discount and an extra campaign each term.

Here’s the detail.

Prices exclude VAT where applicable. Pricing is based upon an annual contract.

Why do schools need Proplr ?

Questions and Answers

Is using Facebook safe?

Yes, more so than ever. It’s important to point out two things: firstly, the Proplr tool helps parents participate in learning from home, and so does not involve students. Secondly, we deploy advanced security process to limit access and keep the groups hidden from public view.

Why do we need another way to communicate with parents?

Parents are time-challenged and the vast majority use Facebook already, spending over 2 hours every day on social platforms. It is much better to engage with parents via an existing medium than by encouraging them to adopt something new. Plus of course, Facebook allows two-way communication which many existing platforms do not.

Do I need any special software to run Proplr?

No, we are simply an extension to your existing school Facebook account so it’s really easy to take on our solutions. If you don’t already have Facebook, we will set an account up for you as part of the service.

Why is something like Proplr needed?

A vast body of research is showing that relations between schools and parents are worsening – in fact some are saying that the ‘social contract’ is completely broken.

Poor relations between schools and parents create a sub-optimal environment for student learning. The EEF have long held parental engagement as one of the most effective programmes to improve attainment that schools can run, and this is truer today than ever giving growing challenges around behaviour and attendance.

Can I use Proplr in my secondary school?

No, not yet! We are exploring solutions to help support year groups as against classes, but this needs more work and is not ready just yet.